摘要: 长期以来,科学家们认为机体中受到不同生理过程调控的基因编程在每个特化的细胞中均是受到严格地设定,且相对恒定。然而近日来自美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校医学院的研究人员在新研究中发现某些基因表达编程显示了意想不到的可塑性。
生物通报道 所谓基因表达是指将储存在DNA顺序中的遗传信息经过转录和/或翻译,转变为具有生物活性的蛋白质或RNA分子的过程。长期以来,科学家们认为机体中受到不同生理过程调控的基因编程在每个特化的细胞中均是受到严格地设定,且相对恒定。然而近日来自美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校医学院的研究人员在新研究中发现某些基因表达编程显示了意想不到的可塑性。
领导这一研究的是著名的美籍华人科学家傅向东(Xiang-Dong Fu),其早年毕业于武汉大学病毒学系,后赴美国攻读博士学位,曾在哈佛大学从事博士后研究,现为美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校细胞和分子医学系教授。他在美国已获得**两项,在国际学术期刊发表论文90多篇,其中包括Nature 9篇,Science 2篇,Cell 4篇。在分子生物学,生物化学等领域有较深造诣,在生命科学界傅向东因发现SR家族的剪接因子和一个新的激酶家族而为众人瞩目。
文章的第一作者王东(音译,Dong Wang)博士认为新研究结果表明相对于单纯地阻断激素反应策略,在未来的肿瘤治疗中采用靶向不同选择性基因编程转换的治疗策略有可能能获得更好的效应。
Reprogramming transcription by distinct classes of enhancers functionally defined by eRNA
Mammalian genomes are populated with thousands of transcriptional enhancers that orchestrate cell-type-specific gene expression programs1, 2, 3, 4, but how those enhancers are exploited to institute alternative, signal-dependent transcriptional responses remains poorly understood. Here we present evidence that cell-lineage-specific factors, such as FoxA1, can simultaneously facilitate and restrict key regulated transcription factors, exemplified by the androgen receptor (AR), to act on structurally and functionally distinct classes of enhancer. Consequently, FoxA1 downregulation, an unfavourable prognostic sign in certain advanced prostate tumours, triggers dramatic reprogramming of the hormonal response by causing a massive switch in AR binding to a distinct cohort of pre-established enhancers. These enhancers are functional, as evidenced by the production of enhancer-templated non-coding RNA (eRNA5) based on global nuclear run-on sequencing (GRO-seq) analysis6, with a unique class apparently requiring no nucleosome remodelling to induce specific enhancer–promoter looping and gene activation. GRO-seq data also suggest that liganded AR induces both transcription initiation and elongation. Together, these findings reveal a large repository of active enhancers that can be dynamically tuned to elicit alternative gene expression programs, which may underlie many sequential gene expression events in development, cell differentiation and disease progression.