"虽然在调查研究中有意控制和安慰剂干预相对无效,不过问题是,哪些因素有可能促使这些群体出现改善,"荷兰鹿特丹伊拉斯马斯医学研究中心全科医学系助理教授Arianne P. Verhagen博士说道,"本研究的目的是观察在针对TTH和偏头痛患者分别采取'无治疗'和安慰剂干预措施后产生的影响并进行详细分析。"
在头痛临床试验中,"无治疗"和安慰剂组具有较高的总体康复率(36%)。药理试验对照组的反应率高于行为(非药理)试验(38.5% vs. 15.0%)。急性治疗的患者康复率高于预防治疗(39.6% vs. 32.8%)。考虑日常头痛治疗的效益和风险时,应当了解大部分患者无须经过治疗即可出现改善,这一点很重要。
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics doi:10.1016/j.jmpt.2011.04.007
Headache: the Placebo Effects in the Control Groups in Randomized Clinical Trials; an Analysis of Systematic Reviews
Femke M. de Groot BSc, Annieke Voogt-Bode BSc, Jan Passchier PhD, Marjolein Y. Berger MD, Bart W. Koes PhD and Arianne P. Verhagen PhD
The purpose of this study is to describe the effects in the placebo and “no treatment” arms in trials with headache patients.
This is a secondary analysis of randomized controlled trials from 8 systematic reviews and selected trials with a “no treatment” or placebo control group. The different types of “no treatment” and placebo interventions were assessed and classified into 6 subgroups. The analyses were carried out according to type of outcome variable.
In total, 119 studies were included (7119 participants). The mean recovery rate in all control groups was 35.7%. Significantly more participants recovered in control groups of pharmacological studies than in nonpharmacological studies: 38.5% vs 15.0%, respectively. Adults were more likely to recover in nonpharmacological studies and children in pharmacological studies.
The mean recovery rate in the control groups was 36%. The recovery rate varied substantially between type of intervention and patients.